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HELP, Fall 2008

Chemistry - Teacher: Doctor Frank

  This will be an academic class with a chemistry text, regular homework assignments, lab experiments, and lab reports.

  We will use Kotz & Purcell’s Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity (2nd ed.), one of the finest written and beautifully illustrated chemistry texts. (Copies will be provided as part of the lab student fee.) We will not complete the entire text, but will adjust the pace of the class to the ability level of the students who enroll.

  Our objective will be to cultivate a clear and intuitive understanding of the basic concepts of chemistry, such that a student who subsequently takes a first-year college chemistry class would feel right at home with the concepts and associated mathematics.

  Students should have already completed algebra, and have their own calculator. We put this class off one year to give several students a chance to get learn more algebra and some preliminary experiences with dimensional analysis.

  Make sure to bring your text, homework, calculator, pen, and lab notebook every week!

  By the way, some of my scientific work is featured in our text...

  I like this for a couple of reasons:
    - Scientists are real people...I am one
    - You can be one too!
    - It adds credibility to my teaching...I am the real thing!   
First Semester Assignments

Homework Assignment 9-3-08

Homework Assignment 9-10-08
No class on 9-17-08 due to Power Outages.
Homework Assignment 9-24-08
Homework Assignment 10-1-08

(10-8-08 Take a week off to catch up!)
Homework Assignment 10-15-08
Homework Assignment 10-22-08

I posted the Archimedes' Principle movie for you
Here is the salt water density data from class and some workup. Why are we off?
Homework Assignment 10-29-08: Download the Lab Report Format, and read it.
Then, start working on a lab report using the data we gathered in class.
And...keep catching up on your Chapters 1-3 homework!

Homework Assignment 11-5-08

Second Semester Assignments

Welcome back! A bit of a clumsy start due to weather, so let's see if we can recover some momentum...
My first objective for you this year is to cultivate your intuition about atomic and electronic structure, and how it is related the chemistry we observe (bonding and reactions).
To that end each one of you has built your own spectrometer! Please remember to bring them to every class until further notice!
We infer the structure of atoms and molecules (electronic configurations) from the light that they absorb and emit, and we will learn about this in Chapters 8 and 9 of Kotz.

Homework assignment 2-11-09, due 2-18-09:  Read Chapter 8, complete problems 22-42 even (answers in back of book!), start working on a lab report for your spectrometers.
Homework assignment 2-18-09, due 2-25-09:  Review Chapter 8, complete problems 44-80 even, also problem 79 (answers in back of book!), working on spectrometer lab report.
Homework assignment 2-25-09, due 3-4-09:  Read Chapter 9, complete problems 20-44 even, (answers in back of book!), turn in lab report.
Homework assignment 3-4-09, due 3-11-09:  Review Chapter 9, complete problems 46-94 even, (answers in back of book!).

©2008-09 Douglas G. Frank
Revised 2/11/2009