Practical Computer Skills |
HELP, Fall 2008
The objective of this class
will be to help students become proficient in a wide range of computer skills,
including word processing (Word), spreadsheets (Excel), presentations (Powerpoint),
and structured computer programming (Visual Basic). *NEW CLASS!** Practical Computer Skills (AKA Computer Programming with Excel) - Teacher: Doctor Frank Multiple projects will be engaged concurrently to allow students to focus where they have the most interest and need the most learning, and students will be encouraged to select projects appropriate to their level of ability and experience. Class time will be evenly divided between lecture/demonstration and workshop. Accordingly, students will be encouraged to bring laptops to class. If they don’t have a laptop, then they will need to have access to a computer and the internet at home to make the class worthwhile. The class will accommodate a wide range of ages and will be designed as enrichment; accordingly, homework will not be formally graded and class grades will not be awarded. |
Important! Please bring to every class: - The folder you will use to store your handouts; - A flash drive with your name on it; - Your laptop computer (if you have one), and a fresh battery or power supply. |
Week 1 - Get Organized, Moore's
Law, Computer Introduction Week 2 - Preparing Documents: Assignment 1. "All About _____" Week 3 - Workshop, begin viewing "All About..." assignments 10/29/08 Well, we finally got VB installed on everyone's computer...next week we'll start learning how to program! |
All About... Please email me your "All About..." assignments, and I will post them here for everyone to view! (You can also bring your files to me in class on a flash drive.) Cameron Optometry (doc) Colin (doc) Les Paul Epiphone (doc) Lewis (doc) Bekah (pdf) Moog (doc) Moog (ppt) Inner Sandwich (ppt) Annoying Things (doc) Zoe - Horses (ppt) Lego Nation (ppt) Les Paul (ppt) Gmod Tv (doc) Justin (doc) Nathan Hobbies (ppt) Ean (doc) |
Visual Basic Example from class on
Command Button exe file Command Button VB form Excel with macro example from class on 2-18 Excel Macro from Class on 2-25 Bouncing Head Form from 3-3 |
Here is the code from our paddles project that we've
been working on in class! 4/22/09 Dim Akey, Zkey, RUkey, RDkey Dim XRate, YRate Private Sub Command1_Click() Frame1.Visible = False 'reset score LeftScore.Caption = 0 RightScore.Caption = 0 'put derek in the middle Image1.Left = (Form1.Width - Image1.Width) / 2 Image1.Top = (Form1.Height - Image1.Height) / 2 'start in a random direction Randomize XRate = 200 * Rnd() - 100 If XRate > 0 And XRate < 50 Then XRate = 50 If XRate < 0 And XRate > -50 Then XRate = -50 YRate = 100 * Rnd() - 50 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) 'a to move left paddle up, keycode 65 'z to move left paddle down, keycode 90 '' to move right paddle up, keycode 222 '/ to move right paddle down, keycode 191 'MsgBox KeyCode If KeyCode = 65 Then Akey = 1 If KeyCode = 90 Then Zkey = 1 If KeyCode = 222 Then RUkey = 1 If KeyCode = 191 Then RDkey = 1 End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 65 Then Akey = 0 If KeyCode = 90 Then Zkey = 0 If KeyCode = 222 Then RUkey = 0 If KeyCode = 191 Then RDkey = 0 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() 'default moving rate Image1.Left = (Form1.Width - Image1.Width) / 2 Image1.Top = (Form1.Height - Image1.Height) / 2 End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'paddle motion logic If Akey = 1 And Zkey = 1 Then LeftKey = 0 If Akey = 1 And Zkey = 0 Then LeftKey = 1 If Akey = 0 And Zkey = 1 Then LeftKey = -1 If Akey = 0 And Zkey = 0 Then LeftKey = 0 If RUkey = 1 And RDkey = 1 Then RightKey = 0 If RUkey = 1 And RDkey = 0 Then RightKey = 1 If RUkey = 0 And RDkey = 1 Then RightKey = -1 If RUkey = 0 And RDkey = 0 Then RightKey = 0 'move the paddles LeftPaddle.Top = LeftPaddle.Top - 100 * LeftKey RightPaddle.Top = RightPaddle.Top - 100 * RightKey 'stop paddles from going off of the screen If LeftPaddle.Top < 0 Then LeftPaddle.Top = 0 If LeftPaddle.Top + LeftPaddle.Height + 450 > Form1.Height _ Then LeftPaddle.Top = Form1.Height - LeftPaddle.Height - 450 If RightPaddle.Top < 0 Then RightPaddle.Top = 0 If RightPaddle.Top + RightPaddle.Height + 450 > Form1.Height _ Then RightPaddle.Top = Form1.Height - RightPaddle.Height - 450 'force paddles to be at left and edges of form LeftPaddle.Left = 0 RightPaddle.Left = Form1.Width - RightPaddle.Width - 120 'move the picture around Image1.Left = Image1.Left + XRate Image1.Top = Image1.Top + YRate 'bounce off right wall If Image1.Left + Image1.Width > Form1.Width - 100 Then XRate = -1 * XRate LeftScore.Caption = LeftScore.Caption + 1 If LeftScore.Caption = 2 Then MsgBox "Left is the winner!" Frame1.Visible = True Timer1.Enabled = False End If End If 'bounce off top If Image1.Top < 0 Then YRate = -1 * YRate 'bounce off left side If Image1.Left < 0 Then XRate = -1 * XRate RightScore.Caption = RightScore.Caption + 1 If RightScore.Caption = 2 Then MsgBox "Right is the winner!" Frame1.Visible = True Timer1.Enabled = False End If End If 'bounce off bottom If Image1.Top + Image1.Height > Form1.Height - 450 Then YRate = -1 * YRate 'check for right paddle If Image1.Left + Image1.Width > RightPaddle.Left Then 'image is beyond paddle If Image1.Top + Image1.Height > RightPaddle.Top And Image1.Top < _ RightPaddle.Top + RightPaddle.Height And _ XRate > 0 Then XRate = -XRate End If 'check for left paddle If Image1.Left < LeftPaddle.Left + LeftPaddle.Width Then 'image is beyond paddle 'image must be the right y position in order to be bounced: If Image1.Top + Image1.Height > LeftPaddle.Top And Image1.Top < _ LeftPaddle.Top + LeftPaddle.Height _ And XRate < 0 Then XRate = -1 * XRate 'in order to bounce back to right, must be moving left End If End Sub |